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Custom Schemas

How-to create a USD custom schema.


You can find the usdFxquinox plugin on GitHub .

The easiest way to create a custom schema is to create what’s called a codeless schema (uncompiled version). This will create a new schema but won’t provide the C++/Python bindings from the freshly created schema class.

Directory Structure

Let’s start by creating a directory and a schema.usda file:

└── 📁 usdFxquinox/
    └── 📁 resources/
        └── 📁 usdFxquinox/
            └── 📄schema.usda

Which corresponds to:

└── 📁 <plugin name>/
    └── 📁 resources/
        └── 📁 <plugin name>/
            └── 📄 schema.usda

Edit schema.usda

Let’s now edit our schema.usda file. This will contain the IsA schemas or API schemas you want to create.

#usda 1.0
    subLayers = [

over "GLOBAL" (
    customData = {
        string libraryName       = "usdFxquinox"
        string libraryPath       = "."
        string libraryPrefix     = "usdFxquinox"
        bool skipCodeGeneration = true

class FxquinoxContextInfo "FxquinoxContextInfo" (
    doc = """Holder for fxquinox-specific context information."""
    inherits = </Typed>
    customData = {
        string className = "ContextInfo"
    string fxquinox:project (
        doc = """The project name."""

    asset fxquinox:projectRoot (
        doc = """The project root path."""

    string fxquinox:entity (
        doc = """The current context entity (asset or shot)."""

    string fxquinox:assetType (
        doc = """If the entity is an asset, the type of asset."""

    string fxquinox:asset (
        doc = """If the entity is an asset, the asset."""

    string fxquinox:sequence (
        doc = """If the entity is a shot, the sequence."""

    string fxquinox:shot (
        doc = """If the entity is a shot, the shot."""

    string fxquinox:step (
        doc = """The context pipeline step."""

    string fxquinox:task (
        doc = """The context pipeline task."""

    string fxquinox:user (
        doc = """The current username."""

    string fxquinox:hostname (
        doc = """The current hostname (machine name)."""

Run usdGenSchema

Once you’re happy with your new schema, we now need to run usdGenSchema. The easiest way is to run the one shipping with your DCC compiled USD.

I made this batch script to run it on Windows:

@echo off

REM Set paths to Houdini programs, and the USD file
set HOUDINI_VERSION=20.0.547
set USD_PLUGIN_NAME=usdFxquinox
set HYTHON_PATH="C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini %HOUDINI_VERSION%\bin\hython.exe"
set USDGENSCHEMA_PATH="C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini %HOUDINI_VERSION%\bin\usdGenSchema"
set SCHEMA_PATH=%~dp0%USD_PLUGIN_NAME%\schema.usda

echo Running usdGenSchema for %USD_PLUGIN_NAME%:
echo           Hython: %HYTHON_PATH%
echo       USD plugin: %USD_PLUGIN_NAME%
echo     UsdGenSchema: %USDGENSCHEMA_PATH%
echo           Schema: %SCHEMA_PATH%
echo             Dest: %DESTINATION_PATH%

REM Run the command `hython usdGenSchema 'path/to/schema.usda' 'destination/path'`



Think about changing your HOUDINI_VERSION and USD_PLUGIN_NAME accordingly.


%~dp0 is the Batch variable that expands to the current directory. Only use it if your .bat file is placed under the plugin folder: usdFxquinox/resources/_run_usdGenSchema.bat

Let the tool run. Once it’s done, you should have 2 new files:

└── 📁 usdFxquinox/
    ├── 📁 resources/
    │   └── 📁 usdFxquinox/
    │       └── 📄 schema.usda
    ├── 📄 generatedSchema.usda
    └── 📄 plugInfo.json

You’ll need to modify the plugInfo.json file, since usdGenSchema leaves in the cmake @...@ string replacements:

    "LibraryPath": "@PLUG_INFO_LIBRARY_PATH@",
    "Name": "usdFxquinox",
    "ResourcePath": "@PLUG_INFO_RESOURCE_PATH@",
    "Root": "@PLUG_INFO_ROOT@",
    "Type": "resource"


    "LibraryPath": "",
    "Name": "usdFxquinox",
    "ResourcePath": "resources",
    "Root": "..",
    "Type": "resource"

This change only need to be made once, as indicated in plugInfo.json :

# Edits will survive regeneration except for comments and
# changes to types with autoGenerated=true.

Edit Environment

The last step is to add the folder containing plugInfo.json to the PXR_PLUGINPATH_NAME environment variable. In our instance:

set PXR_PLUGINPATH_NAME=%SERVER_ROOT%/Projects/Code/fxquinox/plugins/usd/usdFxquinox/resources;%PXR_PLUGINPATH_NAME%