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VEX snippets

Beacon comes with additional VEX snippets that you can use in an Attribute Wrangle. To access them, simply click the down arrow next to VEXpression in the node parameters.


All the snippets are coming from the VEXpressions.txt file. They should be written this way:

    Snippet name (Type) | Beacon
    // Run over <type>
    Snippet code
    Basic Scatter (Point) | Beacon
    // Run over point
    vector up = {0, 1, 0};
    vector4 orient2;
    vector rot = set( rand(@ptnum+1)*ch("random_x")*360, rand(@ptnum+2)*ch("random_y")*360, rand(@ptnum)*ch("random_z")*360);
    orient2 = eulertoquaternion(radians(rot), 0);
    matrix3 m = maketransform(@N, up);
    @orient = quaternion(m);
    @orient = slerp(@orient, orient2, ch("mix"));
    @pscale = ch("scale")+rand(@ptnum)*ch("random_scale");

After a Houdini restart, the new expression will be available.

Last update: July 12, 2023
Created: May 12, 2023