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Tag Manager

The Tag Manager app will let you add and remove a tag to any selected Houdini node(s) name. It becomes particularly useful when grouping objects using expressions such as *__RDR or *__PTM in a ROP node.

0.0.4-alpha · Tool · Ready


You can either add the selected tag to the nodes name as a prefix or a suffix.


Double-clicking a tag will immediately add it as a prefix on the selection.


You can add and remove tags on multiple nodes at once.

If a node contains any recognized tag in its name, the Clear button will simply remove it from the node name.

Create Tag

Accessible through the Right Button+Menu via Create New... or the EditCreate Tag... in the menu bar, it will prompt the user with a pop-up window to add a new tag to the available list. The tag name must be a maximum of three capital characters.


The tool won’t let you add more than 3 characters and will automatically capitalize the tag on creation.


When creating a new tag, it will be added to the tags.json file.

Contextual Menus

You can access the Menu through a Right Button. The available options are:

  • Add Prefix
  • Add Suffix
  • Remove
  • Create New...
  • Delete


Tag Manager uses the tags.json file to retrieve the tags and their description. By default, the list should be looking like this:

    "tags": [
            "Visual Effect"
            "Holdout (Matte)"
            "Digital Asset"


You can access this tool through:

Beacon Tools → Tag Manager Ctrl+Shift+T
Node Menu
Beacon → Add Tag...
Beacon → Clear Tag

Last update: July 28, 2023
Created: May 12, 2023